Florida Association of Licensed Investigators

Prime Investigations LLC

Jon Ballard
772-559-5839. Call 24/7
[email protected]
Florida license # A3000176






Vero Beach FL
28 years experience as a law enforcement Officer and private investigator with hundreds of undercover investigations, details, and surveillances.Investigated thousands of criminal cases including for homicides, rapes, robberies, and burglaries.


Criminal cases

Family court/domestic cases

Cheating spouse surveillance

Sexual abuse investigations

Stalking and harassment cases

Employee theft

Notary Public

Internal investigations

Missing persons

Process serving

Child support investigations

Insurance fraud

Subcontract to other PI agencies

Phone number searches

Internal investigations

Missing persons

Process serving

Child support investigations

Insurance fraud

Subcontract to other PI agencies

Phone number searches

Jonathan D. Ballard

Work Experience:
> Gates Police Department: Police Officer, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant. September 1996 to January 2019.
> Prime Investigations LLC: Owner, a class A Florida private investigations agency. Licensed as a class C private investigator. License numbers A3000176 & C3000288.
> The Robison Group: SIU field investigator. February 2021 to present.


Investigations and undercover summary:
> Supervised and participated in numerous high level felony investigations including arrests for murder, rape, robbery, and criminal sale of a controlled substance. Won numerous awards and commendations for such arrests.
> Supervised and participated in numerous instances of undercover surveillance including for drugs, burglaries, robberies, and wanted persons.
> Wrote, participated in, and supervised numerous search and arrest warrants.
> Was commanding Officer of the Gates Police Dept. vice and undercover team.
> Was personally the undercover Officer in over 150 prostitution details, over 50 details for buys of heroin or cocaine, and over 10 details for the recovery of stolen property.
> Oversaw numerous other such details including multiple buy and bust details.

Investigations and undercover summary:
> Supervised and participated in numerous high level felony investigations including arrests for murder, rape, robbery, and criminal sale of a controlled substance. Won numerous awards and commendations for such arrests.
> Supervised and participated in numerous instances of undercover surveillance including for drugs, burglaries, robberies, and wanted persons.
> Wrote, participated in, and supervised numerous search and arrest warrants.
> Was commanding Officer of the Gates Police Dept. vice and undercover team.
> Was personally the undercover Officer in over 150 prostitution details, over 50 details for buys of heroin or cocaine, and over 10 details for the recovery of stolen property.
> Oversaw numerous other such details including multiple buy and bust details.

> Proficient in Microsoft excel and word.
> Proficient in camera and video use.
> Certified police trainer.
> Certified emergency vehicle operator.
> Proficient in organizing large events and gathering.
> Hold numerous Police certifications.
> Won numerous awards and commendations as a Police officer
> Developed skills handling ‘consumer complaints’ as head of internal affairs at the Gates Police Department.
> PADI Scuba diver certified since 1983.

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